About Us
Indo-European Centre (IEC) is a representative of Indo-European Education Foundation (IEEF), Warsaw, Poland at Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (TNTU), Ternopil, Ukraine.
IEC’s purpose is creation of a unique institutional platform for academic, non-academic and industrial collaboration between Ukraine, India and EU member states, based on the Foundation’s Academia-Industry Interlinked model of Business Cooperation…
Our Offers
For Universities
IEC provides a platform for Ukrainian Partner Universities to cooperate with Indian/European Partner Universities for joint forums, conferences, seminars, research projects, workshops, joint study programs etc.
For Students
First Indo-European Centre in Ukraine gives you a unique platform for reliable admission process, support and guidance throughout your study in Ukraine.
For Business
First Indo-European Centre in Ukraine gives you a unique platform for finding reliable partners among / Ukrainian / Indian companies as well as Ukrainian / Indian universities for joint research projects in industries.
Контактна інформація:
Індо-Європейський Центр
(представництво ІЄОФ, Польща при ТНТУ, Україна)
Адреса: 46001, вул. Руська, 56, м. Тернопіль.
Телефон: +38 098 022 5713, факс +38 (0352) 25-49-83
E-mail: iec.tntu@gmail.com