The 3rd edition of International Conference “Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village [BRCDGV-2020]” took place on November 24, 2020.
It was an extraordinary event and experience when the world was united at one platform of BRCDGV-2020 on 24th November 2020, through e-platform. We welcome scientists, experts, academicians, and lawmakers from Poland, India, Ukraine, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Malaysia, UK, Pakistan, Kosovo and other countries.
We received more than 100 research papers from around the globe for the conference proceedings but only 25 best papers got selected for the publication purpose.
BRCDGV-2020 partners:
- Organizer and Host University, Poland: University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland
- Organizer and Host University, India: University of Patna, Patna (Bihar), India
- Main Partner: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Associate Partners:
- Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
- MIT World Peace University, Pune, India
- “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Galati, Romania
- Chanakya National Law University, Patna, India
- Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
- Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, New Law College, Pune, India
The entire e-platform organisational arrangements were organised and conducted by the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland, being one of the founding members of the platform BRCDGV, and host of the conference in Poland.
Earlier, the conferences were designed to be held in India at Patna University, but due ongoing crisis and restrictions occurred from the Pandemic, we had to convert the conference into an online conference. Therefore, Patna University, India, remains the host university in India for the event BRCDGV-2020, along with University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, as a host university in Poland.
The 3rd edition of BRCDGV-2020 was significant due to its objectives and conduct in this challenging time, but the enthusiasm shown from the partners, scientists, academicians, experts, and lawmakers from the globe enhanced us to organise it successfully with lining the message:
“Expect the best, but prepare for the worst
Settle the goals in any circumstances
Keep believing in your ability, for the betterment of the mankind
And convert challenges into opportunities”
Dr Pradeep Kumar
The objective of the conference Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village is to provide the most effective & efficient platform for business development and academic collaborations with solutions for sustainable growth.
BRCDGV-2020 has begun with addressing speeding delivered by Dr Stuti Prasad, Associate Professor, Department of English, Patna University, and an organising secretary of BRCDGV, Patna University, India, followed by Dr Pradeep Kumar, Chair of the Conference, President of Indo-European Education Foundation, and faculty at the department of Modern Languages, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland. The opening session was graced by dr inż. Mariusz Kołosowski, Vice -Rector of the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland; Professor Petro Yasniy, Rector, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine; Prof Girish Kumar Choudhary, Vice Chancellor, Patna University, Patna, India. During the opening session Prof (Dr) Mahammad Sharif, Dean Faculty of Law, and IEEF’s Project Coordinator, Patna University, Patna, India has delivered opening remarks for releasing the book “Business Risk in changing dynamics of Global Village [BRCDGV-2020]”, and book has been released through e-platform by Prof Girish Kumar Choudhary, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ajay Kumar Sing, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Patna University, Prof. (Dr) Rash Bihari Prasad Singh, Ex-Vice Chancellor, Patna University, India in presence of other dignitaries. After realising the book conference were graced by Shri K.C. Tyagi, Ex Member of Parliament, Spokesman Chief General Secretary Janta Dal United (Ruling Alliance Party, Government of India, and State Government of Bihar); and an introduction and invitation to the Cultural Communication Webinar and Other Scientific sessions by delivered Professor Alina Dittmann, Dean, Faculty of Modern Languages, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland.
After opening session, simultaneously 7 academic sessions were conducted
- 3 sessions devoted to Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village
1. Economy and Development: Domestic and International Dimensions
Moderator/Chair: Iryna Kramar, Director of IEEF’s Branch, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Speakers for this panel were Prof. (Dr) Rash Bihari Prasad Singh, Ex-Vice Chancellor, Patna University, India; Prof. (Dr) Ravikumar Manohar Chitnis, Pro Vice Chancellor, MIT World Peace University, Pune, India; Prof. Zofia Wilimowska, Dean, Faculty of Economic Sciences – finance and accounting, UAS, Nysa, Poland; Prof. Silvius Stanciu, Vice-Rector for Research, development, innovation and partnership with the economic-social environment, University of Galati, Romania; Prof. Anca Nicolau, Former Vice-Rector of the “Dunărea de Jos” University of Gala?i, Romania; Prof (Dr) Dolly Sinha, Ex-Pro Vice Chancellor, Patna University, Patna, India; Prof (Dr) Raj Kishore Prasad, Principal B.N. College, Patna University, Patna, India.
2. Globalisation: Society and Challenges
Moderator/Chair: Anna Opałka, MSc. Erasmus+ University Coordinator, Head of the External Relations Department & International Cooperation Office, UAS in Nysa, Poland
Speakers for this panel were Prof. Ajay Kumar Singh, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Patna University, India; Dr Justina Mutale, Ambassador for Peace/Philanthropist/Honorary Ambassador for Gender Equality, United Kingdom; Prof. Ecaterina Daniela Zeca, Founder & CEO of European Research Centre for Marketing and AgriInd (CDEAMIA), the “Dunărea de Jos” University of Gala?i, Romania; Prof. Dr. Vidana Pečenković, Dean of Faculty of Education, University of Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Prof.(Dr) Vijay Khare, Head, DDSS, YC-NISDA, Director, IC, SPP University, India; Assist. Prof. (Dr) Mirzana Pasic Kodric, University in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Prof. Norhayati Abdullah, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Prof (Dr) Jagdish Jha, Dept. of Pathology, Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital, Darbhanga, Bihar, India; Prof. Mihai Adrian Goanta, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Agronomy , Braila, Romania; Prof. (Dr) Dorina Mocuta, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Prof. Maria Magdalena Turek, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Gala?i, Romania; Prof (Dr) Parimal Kumar Khan, Professor in Zoology Patna University, Patna, India

3. Law and contemporary legal Issues
Moderator/Chair: Dr Pradeep Kumar, President of IEEF, faculty of UAS in Nysa, Poland
Speakers for this panel were Prof (Dr) S. K. Bhatnagar, Vice Chancellor Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University, Lucknow, India; Prof. Bhagyashree M. Deshpande, I/C Principal, BVDU New Law College, Pune, India; Nataliya Zagorodna, Associate Professor, PhD, Head of Cyber Security Department, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine; Prof. (Dr) S. P. Singh, Dean, Chair of PanchayatiRaj, and Coordinator of IEEF’s Centre for Indo-European Studies at CNLU, Patna, India; Prof (Dr.) Manoj Kumar Sinha, Director Indian Law Institute, New Delhi; Volodymyr Shanaida, Associate Professor, PhD, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine; Prof (Dr) Rakesh Kumar Singh, Head Academic University Centre for Nano-science & Nanotechnology Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna; Prof. Balraj Chauhan, Vice Chancellor, and IEEF’s Project Coordinator, DNLU, Jabalpur (M.P.), India; Tetiana Vynnyk, Associate Professor, PhD., Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine; Ajay Kumar, Professor of Law & Dean Academic Affairs and Law Chanakya Law University (CNLU), Patna; Prof. Adrian Zugravu, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Gala?i, Romania; Prof (Dr) Jitendra Mishra, Head & Dean, Faculty of Law, Pandit Dindyal Upadhya University, Gorakhpur (U.P.); Prof. Tetiana Vitenko, Vice-rector, international Cooperation, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
4 sessions devoted to Risk in Global Communication
- Multimedia and Didactics, Chair: dr hab. Alina Dittman, Professor UAS and Dean, faculty of Modern Languages, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland.
- Literature and Philosophy, Chair: Agnieszka Kaczmarek, faculty of Modern Languages, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland.
- Linguistics and Translation, Chair: Alina Bryll, Faculty of Modern Languages, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland.
- Autobiographical Literature and Travel Writing, Chair: Agnieszka Kaczmarek, faculty of Modern Languages, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland.
We would like to express hearties thanks to all our honourable guests, keynote speakers, scientists, and research scholars for their participation and contributions which make BRCDGV-2020 a significant international platform for solution finding tools for sustainable business growth and social-economic development.