On July, 13th, 2021 Iryna Kramar, Professor, Doctor of Science (Economics) from Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University gave a lecture during the FINTALKS week at the School of Commerce, MIT World Peace University, Pune, INDIA.
The topic of the speech was: “Trends of Foreign Direct Investments” which is a relevant topic nowadays due to the COVID-19 pandemics. Professor Iryna Kramar Global foreign direct investment (FDI) is expected to “recover some lost ground” in 2021, and even jump back to pre-Covid levels in 2022 “at the upper bound of projections” although prospects remain “highly uncertain”.

While uncertainties persist and the recovery will depend on, among other factors, “the pace of economic recovery and the possibility of pandemic relapses”, Unctad’s latest forecasts mirror an improving macroeconomic environment. Back in January, it expected global FDI to remain “weak” throughout 2021, while in the previous World Investment Report, published in mid-2020 right at the onset of the pandemic, it expected FDI to fall by 5% to 10% in 2021.
Prof. Kramar also mentioned that the FDI recovery will be uneven according to the World Investment Report 2021. Developed economies are expected to drive global growth in FDI, both because of strong cross-border mergers and acquisitions activity and large-scale public investment support. FDI inflows to Asia will remain resilient, as the region has stood out as an attractive destination for international investment throughout the pandemic. A substantial recovery of FDI to Africa and to Latin America and the Caribbean is unlikely in the near term, however.
There were more than 150 Indian students during the FINTALKS lecture and they asked many questions on the topic discussed.

Big “Thank you” to Dr. Anjali Sane for an excellent organization and invitation to be part of such a great event!
We are glad that Ukrainian and Indian universities continue their fruitful cooperation!
Looking forward to more events like this!